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أضف النص الخاص بالعنوان هنا أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أضف النص الخاص بالعنوان هنا Español Português Français
أضف النص الخاص بالعنوان هنا أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أضف النص الخاص بالعنوان هنا Español Português Français
By Aisha Stacey (© 2010 Description: What does Islam say about violence and war? Trying to convince people that Muslims are not terrorists, or that Muslim women are not oppressed, or that not all Muslims represent Islam is becoming increasingly difficult. …
By Aisha Stacey (© 2010 Description: Not all Muslims understand and follow their religion. Islam and the followers of Islam, Muslims, are very prominent in the media nowadays. Around the world debates rage about various Islamic topics or topics that invariably…
By Imam Mufti (Originally by Saleh al-Aayed) Description: The right of non-Muslims to be protected against outside aggression in return for paying jizya. Non-Muslim citizens have a similar right to be protected from external enemies just as a Muslim fellow citizen does. …
By Imam Mufti (Originally by Saleh al-Aayed) Description: Poor and needy non-Muslims have the right to social security under Islamic Law. Examples from history where non-Muslims were provided from the public treasury. Modern welfare states provide social benefits to their poor citizens,…
By Imam Mufti (Originally by Saleh al-Aayed) Description: Receiving good treatment is the right of a non-Muslim under Islam, not just a matter of courtesy. The Quran instructs Muslims to treat non-Muslims courteously in a spirit of kindness and generosity, given they…
By Imam Mufti (Originally by Saleh al-Aayed) Description: Protection of life, property, and honor of non-Muslims under Islamic Law. Islamic Law protects basic human rights like the preservation of life, property, and honor for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Whether the non-Muslims are…
By Michael Young Description: A court ruling overturning a fifteen year British ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan, has propelled the so-called Nation of Islam into the headlines. Michael Young examines the Islamic credentials of these self-styled “Muslims”. The Fundamentals of Islamic…
By Description: A brief look at the some of the beliefs of the Baha’i faith which contradict the basic Islamic beliefs, as well as some contradictions found in some of its essential teachings. As mentioned previously, the Baha‘i follow the teaching…
By Description: Is Bahaism true Islam? Part 1: The Origin and History of the Bahai’s. One of the groups associated with Islam which catches the attention of most Westerners is that known as Bahaism, due to their catchy yet evasive principle…